Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I have never been a huge yoga enthusiast, but a couple months ago I decided to give yoga a second shot and was surprised to find that I not only enjoyed it, but was super sore the next day. Since then I have been making an effort to include a once a weekly yoga class into my regular exercise line up. Besides discovering how truely inflexible I am, I have realized how bad I am at breathing.

Breathing doesn't seem like something that should be hard, or even something that you should have to think about (I mean hello that is why we have a medulla oblongata). But I ask you this... when was the last time you breathed? I mean REALLY breathed- deep and long, in and out, eyes closed and letting the breathing take over and relax you. I bet for most of us it has been awhile. Now that I have been exposed to the hyper focused and controlled breathing that yoga tends to emphasize I realize that most days... I am not breathing.

Yes, I am alive and getting the air my body needs to function, but so frequently I am running around way to preoccupied with the daily stresses and tasks that I never take the couple of minutes every so often to relax and take a deep couple of slow and therapeutic breaths that can be SO rewarding.

So I am challenging you, along with myself, to slow down and remember every once in awhile to just breathe.


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